


不知道该怎么定义自己,因为经历总是伴随着变化。也许只有人死亡的时候,回望所有的决定,才能够說 – 我是一个____ 人。

但至少,最最少,最最基本,希望“小小我”会对“这一世将死的我”說 – magnificent effort,buddy!

简言之,为每一个做出的决定竭尽所能且心安,then I deserve it.

I majored in Japanese at Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

Although language has never become my job after graduation, I deeply understand how it has enabled me to access a broader world and built me a more inclusive mind to embrace diversities, and how it will continue to nurture me in the future.

Being a photographer is not a plan but an accident. Now I think I can call it a bonus. I will try my best to do this.

Then when I am dying, I can say this to myself ——magnificent effort,buddy!